The Christian Legal Society has a statement of faith that you have to sign. From an article from The Contra Costa Times,
The CLS requires that voting members sign a statement of faith and regards "unrepentant participation in or advocacy of a sexually immoral lifestyle" as being inconsistent with that faith.The keyword there is "regards" and "unrepentant." That statement of faith would not exclude a homosexual from joining the group. It would only exclude someone who does not regard sexual immorality as described in the Bible as sin. It so happens that along with acts of homosexuality, performing acts of fornication and adultery are also regarded as sin. If you are participating in premarital sex in an unrepentant way, there is the same problem. An unrepentant heart does not acknowledge that sexually immoral behavior is sin and should be avoided. Desiring such behavior, but realizing that you shouldn't do so, has not crossed the line of regarding it as sin. Even engaging in such behavior is not necessarily "unrepentant." Certainly, according to Christian doctrine, it is clearly sin. But, we all sin and fall short, but our mind set as to whether we think the sin is "just fine" represents whether or not someone is being "unrepentant." If the CLS exculded every sexually immoral person from their group, their ranks would be very small indeed.
While homosexual people should not be denied to enter a Christian group, they should not be given special status either. All voting members must adhere and accept the tenants in the Bible. Why else should you have a say in decisions affecting the policies and activities of the group, if you don't accept the statement of faith that the group represents. Their policy in no way rejects unrepentant gays or any sexually immoral person from participating - only voting.
Since when can clubs and groups not define their own principals of membership? Never mind sexual orientation. It'd be like saying a Jihadist radical islamist could join and change all of the rules of the clubs with their vote. That is counter intuitive. Or, back to sexual orientation, it'd be like saying someone who advocates sexually immoral behavior could vote and completely change the purpose of the group. A group like CLS is there for support for the Christian law student. There is no point in joining as a voting participant, if you don't desire adherence to the precepts of the group.