Tuesday, January 19, 2010


There is no doubt that the earthquake in Haiti has been a disaster beyond anything we've seen in this hemisphere in forever (my lifetime, anyways). It is painful to watch so many people suffering both physically and emotionally, as they deal with the primitive conditions, destruction, lack of food, water, and shelter, injuries, and most of all dealing with the loss of life, which affects not only the heartbreak of loss of family and community members, but also the stench that reminds them of it every moment. It's especially heartbreaking to see all of the kids who have been orphaned by this devastating tragedy.

Thanks be to God, that there are always good things to point to in the midst of suffering. One thing I saw this morning that warmed my heart was the amazing impact this event is going to have on every kid in one of the orphanages (they all survived), run by two sisters from Pittsburgh. They used facebook and twitter to contact friends and supporters in Pittsburgh. Those friends contacted the governor of Pittsburgh, who flew to Haiti and helped to cut through the red tape to get them the care they need. They are now at the Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh, being very well taken care of. They will stay in group homes in America, and will be adopted by U.S.A. families. As despairing as the greater tragedy in Haiti is, this event will save these 24 children and give them a life they never would have had.

There are other displays of the best of humanity amidst the suffering as well. God's arms are surrounding so many through the arms of the amazing faithful servants who answered the call to "go," even before this tragedy. Many others are sending their support in other ways, such as monetary donations that are allowing those there to not only extend their love, but also have the things they need to help them. We can continue to pray that those supplies will get into the hands that need them so desperately.

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