Friday, January 15, 2010


I finally feel like things might be turning around and the hope I have had for the American people to rise up and make democracy work is starting to materialize in a way that I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Some of the light I'm seeing comes in the form of seeing Scott Brown way ahead in the polls. He's been pulling ahead at lightening speed this week, even pulling many democrats into his corner. At some point the congressmen in power have to recognize that they are not doing the will of the people.

Many dems, including the White House are blaming Coakley for just running a very poor campaign. That says a lot about the nature of politics. It's the campaign an the promises that come with it vs. the evidence of execution of the will of the people that matters in winning elections.

It was a blog entry at

that alerted me to this sentimentality:
Deeds ran such a lackluster campaign, Democrats say, that his defeat could be solely attributed to his own shortcomings, and should not be seen as a referendum on President Obama's policies or those of the national Democratic party.

The same sort of thinking is emerging in Massachusetts. "This is a Creigh Deeds situation," the Democrat says. "
I don't think it says that the Obama agenda is a problem. I think it says, 1) that she's a terrible candidate, 2) that she ran a terrible campaign, 3) that the climate is difficult but she should have been able to overcome it, and 4) that Democrats beware -- you better run good campaigns, or you're going to lose."

How long will they be so tone deaf and in such denial? Every time they blame people's discontent with the people in power on "the climate is difficult" or "look what we inherited" I just see cowardice. I say to them: You were elected because you convinced people that you could do better and solve the country's problems. You said you were up to the task. You've had a year to prove yourself. That's half of a House Representative's term! They have not instilled any real confidence in the American people that they will or are able to solve the issues causing the "difficult climate." Americans are looking to an alternative that might do better, because it appears that they couldn't do worse.

They should see Brown's rise as a referendum on their ultra liberal agenda, but instead they continue to try and deflect the push back to some scapegoat. Until they take responsibility for themselves, people will continue to see them as weak and incapable of real leadership who will listen to the electorate that they supposedly represent.

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